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Farmer Dave's Journal

Thursday, October 12, 2006

2 New Ebay Auctions

Took the car in for a tuneup and oil change today and was super productive....I put up 2 new auctions, both focals. If you are interested in taking a look CLICK HERE. I'm going to use the rest of the afternoon to try to make some tomato sauce from scratch. I harvested a ton of tomatoes recently and was thinking it would be fun to try something new. Besides, Devera loves tomato sauce. We walked down the street last night and had pizza for dinner...I think it's her favorite food right now. Except for anything called "special treat". That's when she gets super excited because she knows it's going to be a cookie or pudding or something. Alright, on that note I'm off...I'll write back later and let you know how it went.
| Farmer Dave, 2:14 PM|


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