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Farmer Dave's Journal

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Daddy & Devera Day

Devera's daycare was closed yesterday so the two of us hung out all day. We took a trip to the zoo in the morning. Devera thought the monkeys were fantastic. I think her favorite thing to do was to ride these stone statues they have. She particularly liked the snail, which looks remarkably like a camel for some reason. She kept saying, "I rode the camel" for the next 3 hours. After the zoo we kind of played around the house for a couple hours. Then we went to watch the University of Portland Women's soccer team play during the evening with a friend. It's crazy that this little school is the home of the National Champions. It was pretty awesome last year when they were blasting through all the big schools like North Carolina, UCLA, etc. on their way to the championship. I'm pretty psyched that Devera can sit through an entire soccer match without getting bored....this one even went into 2 overtime periods. I was pretty tired by the time we got home (8pm) because she didn't take a nap during the day (which is extremely rare) since the roofers were pounding nails all day....sounded like buffalo....loud ones!
| Farmer Dave, 1:28 AM|


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