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Farmer Dave's Journal

Friday, October 20, 2006

Feeling Better...

Yesterday I had the dental work done and was pretty out of it on pain killers all day. However, today I woke up and felt great. I did sleep until 11:00am so that may have been part of it but I was pretty excited not to have to take the pain medication anymore. Today I've kind of been taking it pretty easy, watching a movie, doing some laundry, and eating incredibly soft meals (oatmeal & pudding). Toby said she was going to make some scrabled eggs for dinner so I'm looking foward to that. I did get an auction all set today that will start on Ebay tomorrow around noon. It's a set of 16 beads in really nice mocha & raspberry colors. I've also got another special that I plan on putting up on my website in the next day or two. Please check back if you are interested. Have a nice start to the weekend!
| Farmer Dave, 5:40 PM|


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