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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Devera started the evening a little freaked out by the whole Halloween thing. She definitely didn't want to go outside, that was for sure. But after we told her that we were going to the neighbors house and that the dog would be there she was ok. She liked seeing the next door neighbor and didn't have any problem reaching for the candy. However, she had to have Toby hold her up the whole time. After about 4 or 5 houses she was starting to get more comfortable. She finally decided to walk around herself a little but was still pretty shy. It was pretty fun to hear her say "Happy Halloween" as we left one of the houses. Something tells me she'll be a lot more into it next year. Given where we started the evening we chalked it up as a success....with this parenting thing you just take what you can get.
One other funny note - - yesterday was my birthday and we celebrated with these super tasty cupcakes from a local bakery. Devera's cupcake had a giant spider made of frosting on top. After she ate the spider off of the top of the cupcake she said, "More Spiders Please"....that made me laugh!
| Farmer Dave, 10:13 PM|


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