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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some Dental Work....

Uhhhh - Thursday I am getting my 4 wisdom teeth pulled plus another one that will be getting a dental implant (with bone graft). From what others have told me, I'll have a couple days of sitting around the house on pain killers not feeling overly comfortable. When Toby got hers out I remember she was kind of out of commission for a couple days. That doesn't sound like too much fun but I'll probably get to watch a movie or two. I'm thinking of renting Lady in the Water. I've been wanting to see that for some time. It's by the guy that wrote Sixth Sense & Unbreakable....two movies I really enjoyed. We're also hoping to take Devera to the pumpkin patch for a pony ride this weekend. Not sure what she'll think....she loves horses but is also kind of afraid of really big animals. I'll keep you posted on how all this goes...
| Farmer Dave, 9:44 PM|


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