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Farmer Dave's Journal

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Whole Manly "Truck" Thing...

So Toby and I were talking a few weeks back about how car companies had done such a great marketing job with truck sales. It started when we were just casually talking about the United States' dependence on oil. That conversation is interesting enough but we got to a point where we were talking about how in the U.S. our cars get such crappy gas mileage. So it's no secret that our love for big cars is a big driver of this. Anyway, at the end of the conversation we were both pretty amazed by how well the big car companies have marketed trucks. It's Amazing! Basically, they've sold the concept that it's not masculine to drive anything but a truck! Think about that for a minute. How many guys really need a truck? I know, we need it for hauling stuff. ....not really. Let's see, one trip to Home Depot to buy oversized stuff once per year. Maybe I could just pay $50 to have the stuff delivered to my house. Ok, buying a truck for hauling is a pretty lame excuse unless you are a general contractor. Maybe we need it to drive the kids around. Again, oversold. Think about it, kids do actually fit in cars. Ok, but I definitely need it for off-roading. Oh, I guess you are right, I haven't gone off-roading since I was 16. And it's not just the stereo-type of the football/nascar-watching guy drinking beer on the couch all weekend. It's sold just as hard to the guy working 60 hours a week for an internet start-up company. So even though it's a total sales job, you have to hand it to the auto-industry, they've done a remarkable job of selling.
BUT, now I'm starting to see some "anti-truck" commercials...I believe the first ones in my lifetime. I think it's passat and/or jetta that are running them. Basically, it's people driving around in monster trucks and other fancy cars with blow horns saying things like, "I drive this because my parents didn't pay enough attention to me" and "I drive this to show you that I make more money than you". The tagline is the funniest - "Lowest Ego Emissions". There's another one where a couple are sitting in their car and the wife honks the horn at the big truck in front of them because they don't go on the green. A huge guy gets out of the car and starts heading back to their car with an obviously furious look on his face. But the guy walks right by their car and goes to the monster truck in back of them (not so subtly hinting that meaner people buy trucks). Anyway, after seeing 25 years of commercials with scantily-clad women ohhing and aweing over the guy driving the monster truck after he's just returned from his off-roading trip with his buddies it's nice to see something different for a change. So tomorrow when I drive my base model Honda Accord I might just take it off-roading to see how it holds up. And if I get stuck in the mud I'll have to call one of two dozen guys I know that own a truck. Maybe I'll find a real use for them afterall.
| Farmer Dave, 4:07 PM|


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