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Farmer Dave's Journal

Monday, December 11, 2006

"Here You Go"

The last couple of days have been fun around here....and super busy. We had our holiday dinner on Saturday night. Toby made turkey this year and everyone else brought something. Great food, spirits, and conversation - - you can't beat it. It was a big turnout...13 adults & 4 kids, which made it all the more fun. So I bought a DVD for Devera that I planned on playing at the party but didn't get to it - - it was The Grinch that Stole Christmas. However, we've played it for her a couple times since. As expected, Devera loved it. She's been going around the house pretending to give us stuff and saying, "here you go" - - just like the Grinch did when he gave back all the toys and his heart grew 3 sizes...which she also talks about constantly. This is such a fun time of year!
| Farmer Dave, 9:30 PM|


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