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Farmer Dave's Journal

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Job Search Delayed

Last week was kind of funny. I was all excited about beginning to look for a new job. Monday was MLK Day and Devera's daycare was closed so I knew I would be starting on Tuesday instead...or so I thought. Devera and I went to the art museum downtown and had a great time on Monday. But Tuesday and Wednesday it snowed so Devera's daycare was closed again! So definitely no job searching was happening...and we were kind of stuck at home since my car is front-wheel drive. Then Thursday Devera went back to daycare.....for 45 minutes. Then I got the call that she had pink-eye. I took her to the doctors and they said she couldn't go back until Monday. So that was my week. Devera and I spent the whole week together. I was sick too so that was a little tough. We had a fun time but I was pretty exhausted by the end of the week.

Then the Saints lost today...that was the big bummer. Oh well, what a great season they had! I'm already excited thinking about next session.
| Farmer Dave, 9:14 PM|


Me, too, Dave. I was really hoping the Saints would win Sunday. It would have been a real shot in the arm for New Orleans. But I do think the Bears will go on to win the Superbowl. Just my humble opinion.
Blogger Sally G. Knight, at 9:11 PM  

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