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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Movie Review2: Talladega Nights

It was a weekend of watching videos with Toby still recovering from her cold - - we watched Talladega Nights starring Will Ferrell. It was pretty much as I was expecting, very middle of the road, what you would expect from Ferrell. I did like it better than the first time I saw it, when it was called Anchorman. I don't know if it's just me but I keep hearing what a comic genius this guy is supposed to be but I just don't see it I guess. The movie is basically a goofy story about how a guy becomes a famous Nascar driver. The movie pokes fun at all the usual suspects in Nascar which is entertaining for not more than a few minutes. I guess one part that I did find pretty funny was when he decides he's going to sell additional advertising space on his front windshield, even though he can't see around it. If Little Miss Sunshine was a B or B+ this one was probably a C. Highly recommended if you are looking for a mindless movie that won't make you think too much or expend any energy talking about it after.
| Farmer Dave, 8:18 AM|


To me, Will is amusing, but not much more. Yes, I did see Talladega Nights. Sometimes I just want to be amused. I don't often see movies that I find to be laugh-out-loud funny. Borat was laugh-out-loud funny. On the advice of a British friend, I've just purchased the complete seasons I and II of Da Ali G Show. I'm hoping for 6 hours of laugh-out-loud funny. For amusing, I'll still take Katherine Hepburn in Philadelphia Story any day. Or in Bringing Up Baby. Or Cary Grant in Arsenic and Old Lace.
Blogger Sally G. Knight, at 9:11 AM  
Very nice Sally...I'm going to start using the word "amused" to replace "mindless" because it sounds so much better. Come to think of it, I was amused and entertained for a couple hours and sometimes that is nice to have. Even more embarrasing is that I have not seen Philadelphia Story...I'd blame it on Devera but I'm positive that movie came out well before the last 2 years!
Blogger Farmer Dave, at 1:07 PM  

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