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Farmer Dave's Journal

Friday, January 12, 2007

Out of Work....

Well, my consulting gig ended this week so now I need to figure out what I'm going to do next. I'll probably be a little more productive on the bead front over the next month or so but I'll also be focusing on getting some other work. I'll keep you posted. While I'd love to do more consulting I may end up working full time again. Not to worry though, the beads won't be stopping. I've always made most of them at night anyway.

On the bright side, this weekend is shaping up nicely. Tomorrow night I'll be watching the Saints game. I've been a fan since I was in the 5th grade....Toby tells me that's about age 10. In 28 years of being a fan they've only won ONE, yes one, playoff game! So it has been rough sledding being a fan all these years. Even when we moved to New Orleans and I used to go to the Superdome and watch games they were lousy. But this year they've been pretty solid, so I'm excited to watch the game. I'll even be cooking up some Jambalaya to get in the mood. On Sunday we are taking Devera to a playdate, so that should be cute. And Monday is MLK day and Devera's daycare is closed so I'm going to take her to the Art Museum that day.

Hopefully my next post will be a happy one after the Saints have played. Go Saints!
| Farmer Dave, 11:54 PM|


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