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Farmer Dave's Journal

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saints Win!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it...the New Orleans Saints are in the NFC Championship game. Tonight was only their 2nd playoff win in 40 years. I cooked up a big pot of Jambalaya complete with shrimp & andouille sausage to get us in the mood. ....it was delicious! I also went out and got one of the local New Orleans beers (Abita) to wash it down. Ok, it was more like 3 beers but whose counting? We're actually considering taking a trip to New Orleans if they make it to the Super Bowl. Either way I think we are going to try to take a trip down there before the end of the year. Whenever we go it will be our first trip back since Katrina. I'm sure we'll have a lot of mixed emotions.
| Farmer Dave, 10:15 PM|


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