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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Start Making a Reader Today (SMART)

I can't remember if I mentioned that I signed up for SMART again this year. It goes from September to May and this year I signed up with a partner so I read every other week for an hour. It's pretty fun - - basically I get to read to 2 children for 1/2 hour each. They also get to pick books out that they get to keep and take home...they always love that part! The girl that I read with always picks out books with Princesses in them and the boy loves dinosaurs. I think SMART is a Portland thing but if you've got something like this in your city it sure is rewarding. Plus, before long you will be an expert in just about EVERY children's book out there - - I think I've read, "If You Give a Mouse A Cookie" 1,000 times!!!! Do I sound like a monster if I admit that I'm really beginning to hate that book? No matter how many times I try to steer them towards "Green Eggs & Ham" it just never happens....sigh.
| Farmer Dave, 11:22 PM|


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