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Farmer Dave's Journal

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dental Surgery

You know, sometimes in life you underestimate things. Like today for example. I went in today to get a dental implant for a tooth that had cracked in the back of my mouth a few months ago. I had the tooth (and all 4 of my wisdom teeth) extracted about 2 months ago and today was supposed to be the "easy" surgery. Easy in that they wouldn't be knocking me completely out for this one like they did last time. Anyway, it took about an hour and a half for them to do something called a sinus lift, root tip removal, and implant. Thankfully, these 3 things weren't painful at all. However, do you know how uncomfortable it is to have your mouth wedged open (and I mean wedged in the most literal sense of the word....with a little block that keeps your mouth wide open for you) for more than an hour? They sent me home with prescriptions for penicillin and vicodan, and told me to take it easy for a few days. What surprised me the most was the ultra-limited food options I have for the next week. Not only am I restricted to soft foods, but I can't have any dairy either. No exercise for a few days too! So I'm taking this as a great opportunity to just stay home and rest so I can beat this cold. Did I mention the cold? .....what a year this has been so far! This is when I realize how lucky I am though - - the last 7 years have been about as great as they could be for a person, so I guess one bad month isn't that big of a deal huh?
| Farmer Dave, 1:11 PM|


My sympathies to you. EVERYONE is getting a bad cold this year. Or worse. As for the teeth thing-- what's with the mouth block?! I've had a a couple root canals and all my front teeth capped. Twice. But none of it sounds as awful as what've gone through.
Blogger Sally G. Knight, at 8:43 PM  

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