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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Home & Garden Show

Toby and I took Devera to the Portland Home & Garden Show this weekend at the convention center. Devera absolutely loved it. Her favorite part was the bee exhibit where they were selling little tubes of honey. She mentioned that it was "sticky" and "yummy". They also had a little part where the kids could pick a plant, put it in a pot, and take it home with them. One of the nurseries sponsored it so it didn't cost anything....pretty cute huh? The oddest thing was that she loved the gazebos. I'm not sure if it was the smaller space or that it looked like a little house but either way she just kept wanting to go back to the displays. Toby and I talked about the idea that if we ever moved to a place with a bigger lot it would be neat to build a separate little structure for the glass and jewelry studios. That's a long way off but it was kind of fun to think about while we were there. The outdoor structures/sheds were actually less than we thought they'd cost. It seemed like most were about $2,500 or so - - not bad for an extra room.
| Farmer Dave, 11:46 AM|


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