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Farmer Dave's Journal

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Little Delayed....

I've been a little delayed in putting up the next set of beads for auction, but don't worry, they should be up tomorrow (Friday). My mouth is just about back to normal and today I go back to find out if I can start eating solid foods again...definitely looking forward to that!

I rested a bunch this week, which let me catch a few more movies. I saw Lady in the Water by M. Night Shyamalan the other day. Wow, was that ever a poor movie. ...and I'm a big fan of his! I loved Unbreakable and The Sixth Sense was pretty decent as well. I even liked The Village which most people thought was pretty bad. Well this one was worse, by a long way. I almost felt like I was watching an argument between Shyamalan and his movie critics about how his movies always have to have a twist at the end. The "twist" of this movie was that there was no "twist". I bet some people thought it was pretty ingenious but I was just bored.

Devera was very disappointed today to wake up and find out she had to go to get a flu shot at the doctors. She kept saying, "no shot" and "I want to go to the park today." She was pretty upset when we went into the doctor's office but as soon as she was finished and I told her there were no more shots she was very excited. Even more so when she found out she got to have a sticker of "Chuck E. Cheese"....which was actually Mickey Mouse but she doesn't know who that is yet. I was informed by Devera that Chuck E. Cheese came to her class and gave her a big hug. Ok, that's pretty cute. Disturbing that she knows who Chuck E. Cheese is but not Mickey Mouse but cute none-the-less.

Alright, I'm off to take some pictures for tomorrow's Ebay auction.

Have a Great Day!
| Farmer Dave, 10:40 AM|


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