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Farmer Dave's Journal

Monday, February 12, 2007

Movie Review: Night at the Museum

Toby and I went out for a movie and dinner on Saturday night which was a lot of fun. Both of us were finally feeling well after a rough January. We saw Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised. It's definitely not a classic movie by any stretch, but it was nice and light entertainment. Toby loved the 2 boys sitting behind us giggling through the entire movie. This movie is great for kids, I can't imagine a parent finding anything objectionable in it. Devera is still too young for movies but if you had a child in the 6+ years old I bet they would think the movie was funny.

After the movie we went to one of our favorite restaurants in Portland, Lauro. As I've mentioned before on this site they serve up fantastic Mediterranean food. You just can't beat it! If you are ever visiting in Portland it's definitely worth the wait....and since they don't take reservations, be prepared. If you come in prime-dining time (7-9pm), prepare to wait up to an hour for a table. ....but keep in mind that you won't be disappointed! Bon Appetite!
| Farmer Dave, 1:03 PM|


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