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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vacation - San Diego & Los Angeles

Just got back from a week in Southern California, and wow, what a blast that was. Toby had a conference to go to on Thursday so Devera and I spent the day at Sea World. The top picture is of Devera running around at what Devera called the "park", which was actually just this grassy area that she thought was fun. The second picture is also from Sea World - - Devera keeps talking about how Shamu kept splashing and doing tricks. When Shamu started out she was pretty scared, but then she really enjoyed it once Shamu started swimming around and jumping. She was clapping like crazy! She also loved the manatees - - they happened to be eating lettuce when we stopped by - - Devera kept saying, "the manatees are eating salad!"

The next day Toby was off too so we decided to go to the San Diego Zoo. Toby and Devera really liked riding in the sky tram - she kept calling it the "buckets." I was a little less excited since it was about 100 feet in the air. After we left the zoo we went to the cemetery where my father is buried. That was kind of sad but also cool to bring Devera there. She had fun looking at all the lady bugs around the place. Kind of poetic since I could remember my Dad always showing me all the lady bugs in the garden when I was a kid. After the cemetery we stopped by a winery called Callaway. That is where Toby and I got married 12 years ago. The third picture is of Toby and Devera by the wine barrels. The place has grown a little since then but it was still as we remembered it. We all had a great time! We finished the day by driving up to Los Angeles to stay with our friends.

The next day we started by heading out to a park. The kids loved running around like little maniacs. We had lunch at our favorite fast food place in the U.S. - - In-and-Out Burger! In the afternoon we had a mini-reunion with some of my classmates from my Landscape Architecture program. There were about 12 or so adults and a bunch of kids as well. Devera had a great time playing with everyone.

So how's that for a 4-day adventure? Devera was so exhausted that when she came home she went straight to bed. I didn't help things out any when I dragged her out to the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI) on President's Day. She loved that place! It took all of my energy to drag her away!
| Farmer Dave, 8:24 PM|


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