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Farmer Dave's Journal

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!!!

Devera loved Easter this year....this is the first holiday I can remember that she actually seemed like she got the whole story. All 3 of us decorated eggs this year. I think Toby used the Widmer (local beer maker) plastic cups to put the dye in to make it seem somewhat adult. It definitely reminded me of being a kid and coloring eggs with my sister and mom. She woke up loving the Easter Egg hunt. Some of her eggs had little parachute men in them so we spent the whole day carrying them around the house, to the coffee shop, and out to our friends' house for dinner tonight. Unfortunately the Easter Bunny (read: me) forgot where 1 of the eggs was hidden. We still haven't found it. We are hoping that the ants don't find it before we do! Anyway, the highlight for Devera was getting the princess outfits. Toby found a dress-up box that had all the Disney princess outfits in it. I guess there is no way to escape Disney if you have kids huh? One thing is for sure, Devera likes dressing up!
| Farmer Dave, 7:54 PM|


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