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Farmer Dave's Journal

Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Day in the Garden....

What a nice way to start off Memorial Day Weekend. We gardened up a storm today. Tomatoes, hot peppers, bell peppers ..... tons of vegetables. Devera loves these new poppies we planted this year. The color is amazing and the you wouldn't believe the size of these things...they're as big as my hand!

Have a safe weekend!
| Farmer Dave, 11:39 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Onsite Auction

Hello Everyone -
If you haven't checked in on my homepage you can take a quick look at a new auction I'm running this week on my website. Everything you need to know is right below the picture of the beads. Please email me if you have any questions. ....or post to the blog if you have any comments or other ideas.

I'll plan on posting again this weekend with an update.
| Farmer Dave, 11:00 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Back From Mexico...

Mexico was beautiful - - sunny and perfect. Here's a picture of Devera and me playing in the sand. Turns out this was the only time we really played in the sand. I thought she would love making sand castles but she wasn't really into it. However, she absolutely loved playing in the pool. ....so a week of playing in the pool drinking pina coladas wasn't too bad. Of the whole trip, Devera liked the little evening performances the best. She really liked the fire dancers that did their routine outside one night after dark. But she REALLY loved the traditional Mexican dancers in their super frilly dresses. She kept saying, "look at the beautiful princesses!" Toby and I even found the neat little restaurant in the central district that we had been to 10 years before - - mmmmm....lobster and shrimp kaboobs drenched in garlic butter....it doesn't get better than that! All in all it was a fantastic vacation and really nice to not have to do a think for an entire week.
One last note - check out the new Special if you are interested...more to come over the next few weeks.
| Farmer Dave, 3:33 PM| | link | (0) comments |