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Farmer Dave's Journal

Monday, June 18, 2007

Because a Little Bug Went Ka-choo!

Toby's friend gave her a bunch of children's books for Devera that have been keeping us super busy reading this week. I think Devera's favorites have been the Cordoroy the Stuffed Bear books. But one was really funny....Because a Little Bug Went Ka-choo! It's all about how a little bug sneezes and the connected events that follow. For example, the bug sneezes which blows the seed off the plant which falls on the worm which ..... So I told Toby that I was happy that Devera was getting her first lesson in Chaos Theory. If you don't know what that is it is sort of a mathmatical theory that every action impacts the rest of the world...usually described as a butterfly flapping it's wings in Alaska causing a hurricane in Florida at a later date. Obviously it's a little more complicated than that but that is the general gist of the theory. I can't wait until Devera starts learning math. She already surprises me sometimes when she lets me know how many things she's holding. She's like a little sponge these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| Farmer Dave, 8:59 PM|


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