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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dream Girls

Toby and I rented Dream Girls the other night. Gotta say, I wasn't too impressed. I didn't really like it the first time I saw it when it was called Chicago. The one thing that did strike me though was they had some old clips of Martin Luther King speaking in it. Wow, that guy had such a commanding voice. It's such a shame that he didn't live longer - - I can't think of anyone else that had such a strong message and such an easy delivery. It's so strange that those speeches are just as relevant today as they were then. If you want to know about Dream Girls it's basically a story about Diana Ross. The story itself could have been interesting but the whole thing gets kind of lost as many of the film's most dramatic scenes are sung instead of spoken. Kind of left me with a Variety Show feel. If you are going to see a movie about a star and their music go rent Ray or Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash movie) instead, those were a lot better. Or better yet, go see Borat if you like to laugh out loud!
| Farmer Dave, 11:24 PM|


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