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Farmer Dave's Journal

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fish Fly Festival

I'm back from Detroit. My sister lives in a town called New Baltimore and every year they have the Fish Fly Festival in June. The fish flies were a total disappointment....Until the Last Night! They came out in droves and were all over the place. It was a pretty neat scene....kind of like those locust documentaries you see on the Discovery Channel but have never come close to observing in real life. My sister promised to send me some pictures so I could post them here later this week. Here's the link if you are interested in going and taking a look at what else the festival has to offer...including the best Elephant Ears on the planet (Toby and I had 2 each!): http://www.bay-rama.com/. Visiting with family was awesome - - the cutest part was watching Devera and her cousin Riley playing with each other. Other than the occasional squabble over toys they had a great time. My sister and I make a point to visit each other at least once a year at each other's house - - meaning the girls see each other at least every 6 months so they are really starting to get attached to each other - - super cool! Hopefully I'll have some fun fish fly pictures for you in a few days....
| Farmer Dave, 4:07 PM|


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