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Farmer Dave's Journal

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Las Vegas!

Wow, that was a fantastic trip! First of all, that Venetian Hotel is probably the nicest I've ever stayed at, and we've stayed at some real winners over the years. The rooms are split-level suites, super comfy, and have 3 flat screen TVs...obviously a little overkill but it just wouldn't be right any other way for Las Vegas. We also caught a couple shows - - Jerry Seinfeld and Penn & Teller. Both were lots of fun - - good to see Seinfeld since his show is no longer on. Gambling was fun too. Toby was the big winner...it seemed like she just couldn't lose this trip. The best part was when she put $5 on a roulette number and it landed....$180...that was pretty fun.

Devera had a great time at Grandma's. She even got to see her first movie. I think they went and saw Rattitoui. Grandma loves movies so I think they watched a ton of them at home in addition to the movie theater.

Ok, more to come later this week. There's also a new special if you are interested in taking a look. Also, a new Ebay auction coming soon....
| Farmer Dave, 9:21 PM|


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