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Farmer Dave's Journal

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fast Turnaround Time

How funny is this? I left for the airport last night at 9:00pm for a red-eye flight for work. Went to my meeting in Chicago at 9:00am and then turned right back around and hopped on another flight back home. So I went to Chicago from Portland and back to Portland in less than 24 hours. So needless to say I'm a little tired. I figured out that I've only slept 30 minutes since Saturday night. I'm headed to bed now, but tomorrow there will be another auction up so stay tuned.

Also - this Friday I am going to Frantz Art Glass to take a class with Michael Barley. Usually I teach classes so it will be fun to be a student again....I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I'm have some new techniques/styles to show off next week!
| Farmer Dave, 8:42 PM|


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