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Farmer Dave's Journal

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Michael Barley Class - Day Two

Back at the hotel tonight. My head is spinning from all of the torch time I've had over the last 2 days. I hope I can remember it all. I spent some time looking through all of the glass at Frantz Art Glass - - the place is absolutely huge! Worth the trip if you happen to be around Shelton, Washington.

It's been really interesting to be around other lampworkers all weekend. As anyone who reads this site knows, I don't really know what's going on in the lampworking scene or even what's popular or not popular. Especially in the last year or so, I rarely look at beads besides the ones I make myself. I'm not saying that's good or bad it's just the way it is. Anyway, it was really interesting to see what everyone focuses on. It's fun to sit by other lampworkers who have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, since I never make barrel-shaped beads it takes me forever to work on one, and even then it needs help. Some of the people I take the class with could make them in their sleep I bet. However, when it comes to the technical dot placement type work I can tell that I spend a lot more time focusing on that kind of stuff. So I've really enjoyed watching all the other students make their beads....super fun.

So tomorrow is my last day in the class. I can't wait to get back home and start messing around with all these new techniques. I also miss Toby and Devera and can't wait to see them. I think they took a ferry ride today while Daddy was at "Glass Camp". ....funny huh?
| Farmer Dave, 10:34 PM|


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