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Farmer Dave's Journal

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Funny Article

Ok, to show that I can take it as well as dish it out - - there's a great article on the last page of Time Magazine this week that talks about how buying food that was produced locally is really dumb. It's definitely tongue and cheek but the main point is that it pokes fun at people like me...and actually the writer too. The guy is so funny, he basically goes out to Whole Foods and tries to make a meal out of ingredients that come from as far away as possible. Cheese from France, wine from Italy, nuts from Spain, etc. While a little loose with the facts (the claim that packaged goods from other countries weren't as bad for the environment as the gas used to drive to the local farmer's market was a little far fetched) it was definitely entertaining. My favorite quote from the guy was something like, "buying food from foreign countries is the only way I really learn about any other countries...except when we bomb them". Obviously this guy could poke fun at himself as well as others. Ok, maybe I should stop reading so much and start making some beads! I've got two sets on Ebay that are ending Thursday morning if you are interested in taking a look.
| Farmer Dave, 10:40 PM|


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Blogger خدمات منزلية, at 4:16 PM  

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