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Farmer Dave's Journal

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Election Coverage

Wow, this has been the most interesting primary season I can remember. I'm pretty excited about how things are going to be honest. As I've mentioned before, I consider myself to be a pretty moderate person. So seeing Obama, Clinton, and McCain as the final 3 is awesome. It was probably over a year ago that I wrote that I was hoping this year would be a McCain vs. Clinton election followed by Obama running in 2012 or 2016. Ok, so Obama is way ahead of where I expected him to be but I was pretty close. Of the three, I'm actually leaning toward Obama. I'm convinced all 3 will do a good job, and will bring back some respectability to the country. But Obama brings something special, he actually seems like a guy the entire country could rally around. Reagan & Kennedy are the two I think had similar traits, even if their agendas were entirely different. A couple things about Obama strike me as optimal. First, he's extremely positive in his message. He's not nearly as polarizing as say someone like Bush. Second, he's not telling each state a different story just to get votes (which was the problem with Romney). Obama was the only one who went into Detroit and said, "we need to put restrictions on cars so that they get, at minimum, 40 miles per gallon". The autoworkers hated hearing this. But he at least was honest with them. His argument is reasonable, he points out that if all of our cars got 40 mpg then we wouldn't need to import oil from the middle east. So we wouldn't need to be fighting wars there. How nice would that be? One thing I've always wondered is - since when did not fighting wars with other countries become a bad thing? He also argued that getting 40 mpg from our cars would actually make them competitive with foreign competitors. And getting to that number would require new technology that would create new jobs. ....I'm buying it. Finally, I think Obama is energizing younger people. His program to give college scholarships to students but in return require them to put in a year of social service (i.e. - peace corps, food shelters, etc.) is awesome. College educated kids that feel tied to the country and feel a desire to help others is a good thing.

So all in all I'm pretty excited about how things are going. Too bad it couldn't be Obama as president and McCain as vice president. Some day maybe we won't have these silly political parties but I realize that is way, way too much to ask. For now I'll just settle for one of these three to set us back on the right track.
| Farmer Dave, 9:40 PM|


You flippin commie wacko!!
Were you just born yesterday? There is no way Obama could operate the way he speaks IF he were to be voted in.

Clinton Pres. with Obama VP could work though. She knows how this "System" works (See Bills record) and would allow him to get his feet wet.

I have been voting every election since 1977 and am tired of trying to elect wishful thinking. Either they (Candidates like Obama) get crushed by the political right with their "Win at all costs. Even if the country suffers" or they get shot.

And lets be realistic, there is alot of clean-up to do over the next 4 years. And with the economic issues we are having, the next President will have the budgetary hands tied. As for the options of who you would prefer to see tied up, I vote Hillary.

Thanks Dave.
Blogger Matthew, at 4:01 PM  
That's funny - - when is the last time a supporter of Hillary Clinton accused someone else of being a commie? And do people still use the word "communism?", are there still communist countries in the world? ...Oh, there are, and one's selling a trillion cheap products to Wal Mart so that we can get a bunch of junk for incredibly low prices...perfect! I will say Matthew's post did make me laugh out loud so that is nice.
Blogger Farmer Dave, at 9:56 PM  

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