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Farmer Dave's Journal

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Snow! We'll, A Couple Flakes at Least

It's finally starting to feel like Christmas now....Thanksgiving is officially over and we even had a few snowflakes tonight. We had a nice Thanksgiving - - I think Devera just likes saying the word "feast." We also watched Little Mermaid a few dozen times...or maybe it just felt like it.

I'm getting ready to put a new Ebay auction and special up but the camera is recharging so it might have to wait another day or two...we'll see. Keep an eye out if you are interested.
| Farmer Dave, 9:04 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Getting Excited for Thanksgiving

For some reason it seems like Thanksgiving weekend should start tomorrow but we are still a week away. I can't wait to have four days to spend with family.

I took Devera to the mall tonight. She likes going to get a piece of candy from See Candies after we eat dinner and also to walk around and look at all of the stuff - - basically playing with the dolls and fire engines at the Children's Pottery Barn. I have to admit, it was such a bummer to go to the mall and see Christmas decorations out. Hello....it's not even Thanksgiving yet. There was a great little write-up in Time this week about how the blurring of the holidays is ruining the whole season. I couldn't agree more. When I was a kid it was so neat to look forward to Halloween and all the things that go along with it. Then Thanksgiving was always a time to have a big family feast and celebrate my Dad's birthday. And when that was over, it was finally time to start thinking about Christmas. I was sad tonight when Devera was so focused on all the Christmas decorations that she didn't even really think about Thanksgiving at all. One rule we stick with at our house is that we try to only focus on one holiday at a time.

So hopefully this weekend you are getting together that shopping list for the grocery store and not the list for presents - - Have a Great Weekend!
| Farmer Dave, 11:05 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

New Ebay Auction, Special, ....and phone carrier?

Ok, as promised, tomorrow at 10:30am PST I'll have a new Ebay auction launched. Also, I just put up a new on-site auction so if you are interested just shoot me a quick email.

So what's the phone carrier part about? So here it goes. Basically, I'm not really much of a complainer. First, I think life's too short. Second, most people don't enjoy hearing about it, and third, I'm generally a happy person. So as I tell this story keep in mind that it had me laughing almost all the way through. So awhile back I noticed something on my MCI bill that said "paper billing fee - $1". Fair enough I thought, if they have to send a paper invoice each month that would cost about a dollar, and an email is basically free and helps save the environment. So I was on board. So I called MCI and said, "yes, please start sending my invoice via email so I can save the dollar each month". There response was this - - "I can only remove the fee if you tie the payment to be automatically deducted from your bank or credit card each month." I told them that I've had trouble with that in the past because my credit card company has changed my number numerous times and I dislike having to call all the companies to tell them the number has changed. So I repeated again that I would like to have the fee waived and that I just wanted an email sent. They said "no". To be honest, I was a little surprised. So I made sure I had the story right. "So what you are telling me is that I have a paper billing fee, but an electronic email statement is not offered." Their response, "yes, that's correct". I tried unsuccessfully to get them to realize how insane that is to no avail. Then I remembered all of the other times MCI has screwed me in the past - - like when I owned their stock and they declared bankruptcy....all my money was gone - about $1,500. Then they just re-issued new stock after bankruptcy court. Why society doesn't pressure Congress to stop giving corporations welfare and direct that money towards our schools and infrastructure is beyond me but that is a different story. Then I remembered the time they just stopped offering internet service mid-stream. One day I just got this strange letter that said MCI was no longer offering internet service and that they would shut off my service on day X.

So how does the story end? I've got Comcast coming over next weekend to change my phone and at the same time save $50 a month over what MCI was providing. I've always believed that poor companies should be punished by consumers and good companies should be rewarded - - and the best way to do that is with my own purchasing. So I did promise MCI that I would make sure I blogged about my awful experience(s) with them and hopefully that would drive some customers away. Ultimately I would love to see the company go bankrupt.....again! God they are embarrassing. If anyone has anything to say about MCI, good or bad, feel free to post to the link. You get bonus points if it's a funny (read: assinine) experience.

Coming soon, my Verizon story which is even sillier!
| Farmer Dave, 9:05 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Princesses on Ice

Hello Everyone -

I've been sick for the past week so I haven't made any beads or posted. Bummer because I'm all fired up to make beads after the 3-day Michael Barley class. I did do a couple really fun things this week though (maybe that's why I'm still sick!). Today Devera and I went to see Disney's Princesses on Ice. I think Devera was most excited to see Tinker Bell and Aeriel. Oh, and she also liked Moulon a lot. All evening she's been showing us how she can ice skate in the living room. For Halloween Devera was a princess....surprise, surprise. The picture at the top is of Devera in her costume with Toby. Have a good week everyone. P.S. - I'm hoping to have another special up on the website this week.

| Farmer Dave, 7:53 PM| | link | (0) comments |