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Farmer Dave's Journal

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Day

Hope you are enjoying the holidays!

I took a couple weeks off from beadmaking to just enjoy the Holidays. That's the good side to not making beads full-time, since I'm not dependant on the income from lampworking I can take some much needed breaks. The flip side is that sometimes I'm really motivated to make beads and I might have to wait a few days to make them.

Here are some pictures from our Christmas Day:

| Farmer Dave, 1:12 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Craigslist Post

One of the fun parts about being a lampworker is collecting different types of glass. Sometimes you really connect with a specific glass type and can become one of the main people working with it (for me, Bullseye's Luster Glass is that glass). On the other hand, sometimes you spend a ton of money on a specific glass type and you can't get a single good looking bead out of it (for me, Double Helix is that glass). At any rate, I've been trying to get me to build a couple more of these glass storage cabinets for me. So I posted on craigslist that I was looking for someone to help me build these and would like to know how much someone would charge me to build them. Surprisingly I haven't gotten a single person to respond. Surprising because when I had the first cabinets built I had several people respond with different pricing that would do it. Anyway, I hope I can find someone to build these for me. Now I'm starting to wonder if maybe you can't find everything on Craigslist.

| Farmer Dave, 9:26 PM| | link | (0) comments |