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Farmer Dave's Journal

Monday, April 30, 2007

Mexico....here we come!

So we finally got our passport for Devera and we are all set. Our flight leaves at 6:20am so we have wake up at 3:40am...yikes. Devera will be a mess I bet. But she's all set up for her little DVD player and headphones so at least we have some relief. How's this for a rough thought....it's 9:40pm....even if I went to sleep in the next minute I would get less than 6 hours of sleep....doh!

I'm looking forward to making some great sand castles with Devera....with a pina colada in hand!

On the bead front, I've got an Ebay auction that is set to start on Thursday and a Special that is already to go on my site when I get back from vacation...so check back after May 8th if you are interested in trying to get it.

Have a great week everyone!
| Farmer Dave, 9:38 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Monday, April 23, 2007

Quick Update

Wow - it's been a little while. Between the new job, working through the nightmare of getting a passport issued before our trip to Mexico, and sending a bunch of beads down to San Luis Obispo to Naturally Jennifer's, I've been swamped. Jennifer is awesome, she is the only store that I send my beads to...I love how easy she is to work with. If you are down there stop in and take a look if you are interested. Ok, I'm off to get some sleep now. I've got some great pictures of the garden on my camera that I have been waiting to post. ....hopefully in a few days.
| Farmer Dave, 11:37 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!!!

Devera loved Easter this year....this is the first holiday I can remember that she actually seemed like she got the whole story. All 3 of us decorated eggs this year. I think Toby used the Widmer (local beer maker) plastic cups to put the dye in to make it seem somewhat adult. It definitely reminded me of being a kid and coloring eggs with my sister and mom. She woke up loving the Easter Egg hunt. Some of her eggs had little parachute men in them so we spent the whole day carrying them around the house, to the coffee shop, and out to our friends' house for dinner tonight. Unfortunately the Easter Bunny (read: me) forgot where 1 of the eggs was hidden. We still haven't found it. We are hoping that the ants don't find it before we do! Anyway, the highlight for Devera was getting the princess outfits. Toby found a dress-up box that had all the Disney princess outfits in it. I guess there is no way to escape Disney if you have kids huh? One thing is for sure, Devera likes dressing up!
| Farmer Dave, 7:54 PM| | link | (0) comments |

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Little Princess

Isn't this a great little picture? Devera has been talking about being a princess recently so she decided she would get her wand and princess dress out. She was busy walking around the house and tapping Mom and Dad on the head with her wand. I'm not sure what was supposed to happen next but we all had a good time.
| Farmer Dave, 10:20 PM| | link | (0) comments |